meet the team

Meet the team: Alex T

For those of you who don’t know Alex, he looks after the offers! Yes, the daily offers and reloads that you see on the site are all down to him!

Whereabouts in the UK are you from?

I was born and raised in Buckinghamshire, where I still live today with my family.

How long have you worked at OddsMonkey?

I’ve been working at OddsMonkey for almost 10 months now, it’s a fantastic place to be and hopefully I’ll continue working here for a lot longer.

What did you do before joining OddsMonkey?

Before joining OddsMonkey I was matched betting, almost full-time, alongside finishing my education. I did explore other career options but matched betting was (and still is) my passion.

How did you come about joining OddsMonkey?

I was a member of OddsMonkey for several years and matched betting was such a large, enjoyable part of my life so when the opportunity arose to become part of the team, I jumped at it.

What is your favourite part of your job?

I enjoy many different aspects of my job but my favourite would have to be posting the reload offers each day for everyone to take advantage of. Knowing that you’re helping thousands of people make a tax free income each month is a great feeling.

What do you do in your spare time? Do you have any hobbies?

I’m a huge fan of movies so a lot of my spare time is spent in the cinema watching the latest releases. Cars have also been a big part of my life for as long as I can remember and I have plans to restore a classic American muscle car, which will occupy the majority of my days off!

What would you tell someone who is yet to start matched betting.

Just go for it. One of my biggest regrets with matched betting is not starting sooner, it took me a few months to build up the courage to try it and all I can think about is all the potential profit I missed out on! As long as you read all the guides and take it slow, you’ll be well on your way to making a profit in no time.

Stay tuned for our next interview with another member of the OddsMonkey team!

Start making profits now for free!

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