Lucky 15 Bet Calculator

Lucky 15 Bet Calculator
Odds Place Term Result Rule 4
Bookmaker Bonuses
Total Stake Total Return Total Profit

Lucky 15 betting is a format of placing stakes on sports events which is growing in popularity in the UK and across the world. These bets involve 15 different stakes made across 4 selections in different events/fixtures, either for the same or multiple sports. 

How Does A Lucky 15 Bet Work?

The creation of a Lucky 15 bet is made using 4 singles, six doubles, four trebles and a four-fold accumulator. The bettor backs 4 horses or teams to win the fixture, and then bets are placed on all combinations of 2, 3 or 4 selections of the accumulator resulting in a total of 15 bets. This method of betting is similar to the Lucky 31 format, with there also being a Lucky 31 Calculator available on site.

If any of your selections win, you will receive a return, which can be substantial if all four of your selections are successful. The more selections that win, the greater your returns will be. However, it is important to note that all 15 bets must be placed, and the cost of the bet can add up quickly.

Some bookmakers will offer an All Winner Bonus if all four selections win, which is applied to the total return and/or a One Winner Bonus if just one selection wins.

You only need one of the four selections to win to get a return.

The 15 winning combinations are:

4 Singles: 1, 2, 3, 4

6 Doubles: 1-2, 1-3, 1-4, 2-3, 2-4, 3-4

4 Trebles: 1-2-3, 1-2-4, 1-3-4, 2-3-4

1 Fourfold: 1-2-3-4

To work out just the return from the fourfold, you can use our accumulator calculator.

What is a Lucky 15 Bet Calculator?

With the number of different wagers involved in a Lucky 15 bet, working out the required stakes providing the best win potential can become complicated. That is where a Lucky 15 bet calculator is used to ensure the correct stake is used, showing the potential returns based on the odds of these bets. It works by taking into account the number of bets placed and the odds of each selection to calculate the potential returns in case of a winning bet.

To use a Lucky 15 bet calculator, you simply need to enter the odds of each of your four selections, the type of odds (decimal or fractional), and the amount you want to bet. The calculator will then perform the necessary calculations and give you an estimate of your potential returns if one or more of your selections wins. 

For example, if you have four selections with odds of 2.00 (evens), 3.00, 4.00, and 5.00, and you want to place a £10 bet, a Lucky 15 bet calculator will show you the potential returns for each of the 15 bets, as well as the total return if all four of your selections win.

It’s important to note that the returns calculated by the Lucky 15 bet calculator are only estimates, and the actual returns may differ due to changes in odds or other factors. The calculator can still be a useful tool for helping you understand the potential returns from your bet and to plan your betting strategy accordingly.

Who can use a Lucky 15 Bet Calculator?

This system is great for anyone looking to place a Lucky 15 bet. It aids in the process by letting users view the return of different stakes without placing a bet and decide how much they will place on the Lucky 15 bet. Another advantage of using a Lucky 15 bet calculator is its use with a range of sporting fixtures, be it football, rugby, horse racing or more!

If you are looking to try out the Lucky 15 bet calculator for yourself, this software is available at OddsMonkey. You can input the stake you are thinking of placing and the odds of each bet to see what payouts could be available before placing the stake. To get the most from your sports betting, sign up with OddsMonkey and make use of the various betting calculators and features on-site.

Why use a Lucky 15 Bet Calculator?

The Lucky 15 bet calculator is a great tool for users looking to find out the payouts on offer for different stakes. This saves users from having to make the various calculations themselves, especially if the fixtures included are close to starting!

Making use of the Lucky 15 bet calculator is a great way for newcomers to learn how they work. As the Lucky 15 bet involves singles, doubles, trebles and a four-fold, some users may need to become more familiar with how these bets work and the potential returns they offer.

Another advantage of using the Lucky 15 calculator at OddsMonkey is the ability to set up multiple bets without the odds being affected. If the bet was worked out individually on a sports betting website, this could take time, during which the odds included might change. Using the Lucky 15 bet calculator means you know exactly the stakes to place before the odds are affected.

More Betting Calculators at OddsMonkey

If you are looking for more betting calculators to help with the mathematics behind placing bet stakes that minimise the chances of losing, there are plenty available at OddsMonkey. The simple bet calculators, including Single, Double and Treble bet calculators, can ensure the correct stakes are in place, offering the greatest chance of winning from these bets. 

We have more complex betting calculators like the Each Way Betting Calculator which helps bettors work out their returns when betting on places. This is common in horse racing or when betting on the overall outcome of an event.

There are even betting calculators for methods you might have yet to hear of. If you’re looking for something new, the Heinz Bet Calculator could be of use. This method of betting can be quite complex, so we advise learning more about it before placing a stake.