Freshers’ Week Survivors | Student Finance Advice

Is there a big empty hole where your student loan used to sit? Have you gone hard without going home a few too many times this year? It was probably fun at 3am the other morning, but it won’t be such a laugh when you have to find some money for the next bill. If that’s the case, sounds like you need OddsMonkey’s Student Survival Guide.

Don’t worry. The party (and your hopes for a diet that doesn’t consist solely of 34p noodles) isn’t over yet. We’ve put together this list of student finance advice from some of the top sources available online to help you get back on your feet and live like a king; the King of Super Noodles, instead 😉

You might also want to check out these posts on the best ways to make money:

OddsMonkey’s Student Survival Guide

Follow these links to save some money, plan your money and make some money.

1. Learn to Budget

Don’t groan – having a budget is important! And relatively easy to put together.

  • How to draw up a student budget – and tips for sticking to it
    Write down what you have to spend and what you’d like to spend and then quickly work out if you can do both.
  • UCAS budgeting tips
    Check out this handy list of things to add up in your budget and see if you’re on track with your uni spending.
  • Managing your money
    Budgeting accurately can sometimes be tricky to get exactly right, so the Complete University Guide has constructed a simple, but realistic, annual income and expenditure summary to make monitoring and controlling your finances easier. (It’ll help – really!)
  • Student budgeting: Get a grip on your finances!
    With 8 out of 10 cats students worrying about making ends meet, having enough money to get you through uni is obviously a pretty important thought. In this article, Save the Student helps you get ‘saving savvy’ when it comes to your student finances.
  • Budget Planner from Nottingham University
    Fill in the boxes and this planner will work everything out for you, finding how much you have left over after essential spends for other essential spends (like nights out, obvs).

2. Hit the Discounts

Been brought up to sniff out a bargain? Well, now’s the time to put those skills to the test:

    • Student discounts directory
      Check out Save the Student to see the latest discounts.
    • NUS extra card
      For just £12 for 12 months, the NUS extra card can be your best friend with discounts available from 170 top brands.
    • 50+ tips to stretch your student loan
      This ‘Student Checklist’ from MoneySavingExpert helps you avoid falling into the cash-strapped, debt-ridden student stereotype. And if you’re already there, it could just help you turn things around.
    • Promo Codes
      Even here at OddsMonkey we want to offer you great value! Check out our latest discount codes here.

3. Find another way

Whilst you’re waiting for the next instalment of student loan to hit your bank account, why not take a look at some alternative funding solutions?

  • Alternative sources of student funding overview
  • Pay your way
    Is that your mum and dad I can hear in the distance? They’re shouting something…what is that? Oh, that’s it: “Get a job!”
  • Matched betting
    Matched betting is a great way for students to make money online. In fact, you could make up to £140 in just 15 hours a week (on average). It’s completely risk free, can be done at home or on the move and can leave you with more flexibility for socialising (and studying!) than a part time job.

student survival guide matched betting

So remember – just because you’ve burnt through your first installment of your student loan in less than a fortnight, it isn’t Game Over. With a bit of clever budgeting, smart spending and some alternative ways of earning, you can be back on track with your finances in no time!

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About the author:

Jenna OddsMonkey

Jenna OddsMonkey

Word up! Jenna makes sure we say it right with engaging copy and a handful of monkey puns thrown in for good measure.

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