Affiliate marketing tips

There are a bunch of affiliate marketing programs around for you to join. Each of them offering you the opportunity to earn some extra money.

What is affiliate marketing?

Affiliate marketing is where an individual earns commission by generating referrals to an online service provider or retailer. The commission is the reward given to the affiliate for sending visitors – or even better, customers – to their site. This is done through the marketing efforts of the affiliate. We’ll look at some of the most popular affiliate marketing methods in this post, as well as how you could get on-board as an OddsMonkey affiliate.

How much can you earn?

Depends how long the piece of string is…

Really, it depends on a few things, like:

  1. How much effort you put in and how committed you are to attracting new referrals.
  2. Your involvement with visitors and how well you inform and prep them before referring.
  3. The percentage of commission on offer.

OddsMonkey’s affiliate marketing program

The OddsMonkey affiliate program is great way to earn some extra money every month. We offer 50%* commission on all sales for the lifetime of the account. That means that if you get a friend to sign up using your affiliate link, you will get 50% of their membership fee every month that they are a member! Once you get a few people signed up to OddsMonkey you can start to earn a nice monthly income.

We are often asked for tips on how to get people signed up and how best to promote OddsMonkey, so here is a list of some of the ways you can start getting the word out and start generating some commissions…

Top affiliate marketing tips

Set up a website

Setting up a website is easier than you think. You can very cheaply get a simple website set up by signing up to a web hosting company like 1and1 or GoDaddy. The easiest way to do this is to set up a wordpress blog, you can do this for free at if you want to keep the cost down.

Once you have a site set up you need to get some content on there that people will be interested in reading. One of the best ways is to write a review of OddsMonkey and tell people how great it is! Let your readers know how the site has helped you and how they could be earning money with us as well.

Once you have written a review, you could start a regular blog telling everybody about your matched betting experiences and how much money you are making. People will hopefully then want to replicate your success. Make sure you add your affiliate link to your website so people know where to go to sign up (and so you get the commission when they do).

What is an affiliate link? An affiliate link is a code or web address that has been generated by the business and is unique to you.

Social Media

There are loads of social media sites these days and you probably have accounts on a few of them already. Facebook and Twitter are two of the best for sharing what you’re getting up to. You can quickly let all your followers and friends know about OddsMonkey by using your affiliate link and explaining what it is about. If you have a website, you can also send them there to read your review or matched betting articles.

If you don’t have a very big following on Twitter then you can easily start to build this up. Use relevant hashtags to make sure your posts are easy to find and engage with people who have shown an interest in earning money from home.

Another way to get followers is to follow other people in the hope that will follow you back.

Make use of the other social media sites out there too like Instagram, Google+, Pinterest etc


Do you have an email list of customers or friends? Drop them an email with your affiliate link and tell them about how OddsMonkey has helped you make money. People are much more likely to sign up if they get a recommendation from someone they know and trust.

Online Communities and Forums

Forums are a great way to let people know about OddsMonkey. People who are interested in sports and sports betting are going to be very interested in OddsMonkey, so why not let them know about us and get a few commissions while you are at it.

You do need to be careful with this one as some websites don’t allow you to post affiliate links.


Youtube is a fantastic way to reach a huge audience. Potentially thousands or millions of people could see your videos so there is a huge market of potential commissions.

You could create a video telling people how to make money online or simply review OddsMonkey in your own words. Always remember to add your affiliate link to the video description.

Tips for increasing commissions

So now you know how to get the OddsMonkey word out. But if you want to be really successful there are some other tips you can follow:

  1. Look after your customers

    Remember the customers you signpost to the OddsMonkey site are your customers too! You are getting 50% of the membership they pay for life so you want potential customers to feel as though they are being looked after. If someone comes back to you and asks you a question about OddsMonkey or matched betting, make sure you give them an answer and explain everything they need to know. People are much more likely to sign up if they feel comfortable with what they are signing up for.

  2. Tell people about the free trial

    People love to get something for nothing, so tell them they can try OddsMonkey completely free! Once they sign up and see the site for themselves they are going to want to get signed up for a Premium account.

    Focus on getting people signed up to the free account as once they do, they are your customer and if they choose to upgrade you will get the commission even if it is a few weeks down the line.

  3. Update your content

    Keep people coming back to your website by keeping your content fresh and up-to-date. Quite often we will do a special offer and let people sign up for £1 to try OddsMonkey out. This is a great time for you to get people signed up. Remember: if they sign up for £1 but then stay a member the next month you will get 50% of the full membership fee.

  4. Become an authority on matched betting

    If people want to know more about matched betting, make sure they are coming to you for answers. Make sure your website or blog is answering the questions people are asking. Think about what you wanted to know when you first started out.

  5. Don’t spam people

    If you are using social media, emails and online forums, you don’t want to fall into the trap of spamming people. You will end up getting blocked or banned from the platform and then you won’t be able to get any more sign ups from that audience.

  6. Don’t just tell people, show them

    Showing people something is much more effective than just telling them. How about letting your Facebook friends know about the new car you just bought with your matched betting profits? That is more likely to pique people’s interest than just a post saying “sign up here to make money”.

  7. Follow up on emails

    If you emailed your friends about OddsMonkey and don’t hear back, follow it up. Ask them if they got the email and if they’ve had chance to check it out yet.

  8. Tell people about yourself

    If you don’t tell them, then your readers won’t know anything about you. So why should they trust what you are saying? Make a section telling people who you are and a little bit about yourself. People are more likely to engage with you and your content if they can see there is a real person behind the content they are reading.

How do I join?

First of all, you’ll need to be an OddsMonkey member. You can do that here.

Becoming an OddsMonkey affiliate is a fantastic way to add another dimension to your online earnings. It’s not a get-rich-quick thing. It takes a bit of time and effort. And if it seems like hard work when you first start out, stick with it. Because it can seriously be worth it!

Some of our most successful affiliates are earning 4 figures – every single month. The best way to get started is to let friends and family know about OddsMonkey and encourage them to sign up. The more commissions you get, the more you will be motivated to build on this success and improve your website and other content.

Find out more.

Can’t wait to welcome you to the OddsMonkey affiliate marketing family!

*Commission is calculated by first removing the costs that we incur when accepting payment. This includes VAT, as well as the fees we need to pay to our banking partners. Click here for more information.

Start making profits now for free!

About the author:

James OddsMonkey

James OddsMonkey

James' background in IT support and matched betting knowledge is how he's ended up at OddsMonkey updating offer, answering tickets and generally being super helpful.

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